Top 6 Self Storage Units In St. Andrews, SC
Looking to select a Top 6 St. Andrews, SC Storage Units in St. Andrews,SC near Extra Space Storage at 6169 St. Andrews Road, SC? A local or national storage company may be the right fit for you. Local or national storage companies are the ones with the most knowledge of St. Andrews, SC streets. They likely also have better short-notice availability and fair market value prices.
What size storage unit do I need for self storage?
What Size Moving Truck Do I Need For Self Storage?
# 1. Extra Space Storage
- 6169 St Andrews Rd,
Columbia, SC 29212 - PHONE:
(803) 753-7880 - WEBSITE:
View Page
# 2. Life Storage
- 1003 Zimalcrest Dr,
Columbia, SC 29210 - PHONE:
(844) 737-0425 - WEBSITE:
View Page
# 3. Storage Wise of Eagle One
- 1711 Lake Murray Blvd,
Columbia, SC 29212 - PHONE:
(803) 373-5384 - WEBSITE:
View Page
# 4. Storage Rentals of America
- 1073 Lake Murray Blvd,
Irmo, SC 29063 - PHONE:
(803) 784-8884 - WEBSITE:
View page
# 5. CubeSmart Self Storage
- 208 Jamil Rd,
Columbia, SC 29210 - PHONE:
(803) 386-0277 - WEBSITE:
View Page
# 6. U-Haul
- 1003 Zimalcrest Dr,
Columbia, SC 29210 - PHONE:
(803) 731-0067 - WEBSITE:
View Page
Useful Services for Your Move
The following are some valuable resources for your move:
Living in St Andrews
St Andrews has a median house value of approximately $146,968. In addition:
- The median year for home construction in St Andrews is about 1981.
- $964 is the median rent.
- About 60% of the people in St Andrews are homeowners.
St Andrews has greater tree coverage than only 0% of the country. Other natural features of the area include:
- The average low temperature is about 54°F.
- St Andrews’ elevation is 96 feet.
- In an average year, expect to see approximately 0.7 inches of snow.
Employment and Education
The median income in St Andrews is $38,164. Other information about education and employment is:
- Approximately 2,600 people in St Andrews are employed in leasing, real estate, insurance, and finance.
- There are roughly 2,600 working in manufacturing.
- Approximately 26.5% of citizens have obtained a bachelor’s degree.
77% of St Andrews’ 20,990 residents report being physically active. On top of that:
- There are around 343 mental health providers per every 100,000 citizens.
- 89% of people in St Andrews have health insurance.
- For every 100,000 people, there are 92 dentists.
In the Area
In St Andrews, there are around 53 eating places, plus:
- St Andrews has about 9 coffee shops.
- St Andrews has about 9 furniture stores.
- There are approximately 9 bars around the area.